Members help keep food dollars in our community!

The benefits of becoming a member include:

  • Member-owner days discounts on purchases
  • Member-owner sales events
  • Case lot discounts (Pick up an order form in store or download it here to purchase cases of your favorite items at a 10% discount. Be sure to check with staff to confirm the item you are looking for is available.)
  • The right to vote on official co-op matters, such as the annual Board of Directors election
  • Attend our annual meeting
  • Add a non-voting member from your household to your account
  • Other food co-ops around the country may honor your membership at their co-op

By purchasing a membership share, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Bylaws.


There are several ways to becoming a member.

Online payments are made via Paypal; you will receive an email once your payment has gone through. 

1. You can purchase a non-refundable one-time membership in the co-op for $180. 

Purchase Full Membership

2. You can also become a monthly payment member by making 18 - $11 payments for a total of $198.

Purchase Membership with Monthly Payments

3. Already a member?  Gift a membership to a friend, colleague, or family member:

Gift Membership

4. If you wish to pay offline or would like to share the brochure with a friend:

Download the membership brochure 
